Listen to my interview with Mike Mason on Good Stuff Kids.
Thank you Mike!
Sukey Molloy is here for episode #180! We talked a lot about child development, particularly brain development, and her brand new record ‘Five Little Oysters.” It was fascinating to hear how Sukey uses different artistic mediums and her knowledge on other subjects to enhance her music. Here’s a teaser: Felt and Sound Effects…
“Sukey Molloy puts a big smile on traditional favorites and mixes them with original songs, poetry, and a story for the release of her fifth album, Five Little Oysters! Listeners are invited into a personal, intimate world of familiar old time favorites as Molloy changes up the lyrics with lots of special effects, creative rhythmic nuances, and colorful percussive textures, and highlights educational, learning fun with counting, farm animals, and cozy family listening for children of all ages! 14:53:082019-03-06 13:04:07My Interview on Good Stuff Kids
Hi! I’m delighted to announce the upcoming Oct. 5th release of my brand new album, Five Little Oysters! Co-produced with my long time friend and Grammy winning recording engineer Larry Alexander. Five Little Oysters features lots of old time traditional favorites along with original new tunes and story. Here are some excerpts from an interview I gave with Megan Meehan at Kidskintha. Enjoy! You can click on the link HERE to see the full interview.
Megan Meehan: What is unique and most exciting about your forthcoming album?
Sukey Molloy: Larry Alexander and I were absolutely thrilled to uncover and bring new life to so many traditional songs, and to arrange them with so many layers of special effects, instrumentation, percussion, and creative nuance. We always keep the children in mind, and never hold back when looking for that perfect sound to enter directly into a child’s delicate world. Larry and I spent hours looking for that ‘just right’ train sound for “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.”
We also had great fun with some of my new songs, bringing the melodies and lyrics and sounds alive with exceptional musicians who have been on all my albums. It is such a treat and honor to have so many extraordinary musicians to call upon…
MM: What inspires your songs and do you typically write lyrics or melodies first?
SM: What inspires my songs is being together with families and children, and learning what brings them into relation with each other, and the activities we engage in together, whether on stage or in a library or at a school.
To support learning and self-expression, I love to change up lyrics to traditional songs. It’s fascinating how a song will last for hundreds of years. What is it about that song that keeps calling us back? I choose a song, like “It’s Raining It’s Pouring” (“A Tisket a Tasket”) and develop it so the children can participate while singing. I think carefully how each new verse relates developmentally to the age and interest of the child, and can serve learning, creativity, fun, and a sense of self…
MM: Is there anything else that you would like to mention?
This is the highest compliment I could receive. In Mister Rogers’ acceptance speech for an award from PBS, he said that the six feet of space between the television screen, and the child viewing, is for him, ‘sacred’ – and this has remained the guiding principle in all my work.
I have a little story to leave you with. My husband and I were at Colonial Williamsburg years back with our two sons, Jonathan, a baby, and James, 5.
We were never a big television family, but James watched Mister Rogers faithfully and loved him. We were strolling along the village walkways, with James pretending to be a soldier, and we spotted a large carriage, drawn by four large horses. There was a camera crew both in front and behind, and when I pointed, James suddenly called out, ‘Mister Rogers!’ and started running full speed toward the scene. We ran behind him, and sure enough, there was Mister Rogers, sitting up in the front of the carriage, being filmed! When Mister Rogers saw this little five-year-old boy running toward the carriage, he stopped the crew, halted the horses, and opened his arms wide. James ran up the three carriage steps and right onto Mister Rogers’ lap. My husband and I watched as Mister Rogers asked him his name, spoke with him about ‘things’, and then after a bit, in the most natural and respectful way, told James it was time for him to continue on. They had a handshake, or a hug, I can’t remember which, then waved goodbye, and off Mister Rogers went, down the road in his horse drawn carriage, out of sight.
It was deeply affirming to find that Mister Rogers was truly the same humble man we knew on screen, and to witness him give his love to our child. 20:30:512019-03-06 13:04:55Sukey Talks To about her new CD “Five Little Oysters!
I have great news! My brand new DVD, Sukey’s House! with Sukey Molloy & Friends, will be released on Feb. 17th, featuring all 18 of the songs filmed in my living room during the Sukey’s House series. The DVD includes Volumes 1&2 (released last summer as digital downloads) along with my all-new Volume 3. Sukey’s House highlights lively participation with age-appropriate lyrics about numbers, colors and shapes, themes from the natural world, emotions such as friendship and happiness, and learning the days of the week. Filming Sukey’s House! with my band, was really great fun, and I can’t wait for you to order it!
Here’s sneak peek of one of the new shows from Volume 3
Live Online Show!
Saturday, Feb 18th at 11am Eastern
Join me for a special live online show to celebrate my brand new DVD release! The DVD celebration will come directly from my living room to yours! Please join me for this special Sukey’s House! DVD Release Celebration and invite your family and friends!
CLICK HERE to visit Concert Window to get more information about the show. Admission is FREE! This is a special one-time online event so please bring the whole family, and the neighbors too! We’ll sing songs from the DVD, and share some fun indoor family activities together. CLICK HERE to visit my Concert Window page, and don’t miss the show!
My new Sukey’s House! DVD (Vols. 1, 2 & 3) includes the following 18 songs. Remember, you can pre-order today!
Volume 1: Put My Scarf on My Head, Here We Go Up, Colors of the Rainbow, I Saw a Duck Three, Old MacDonald, I Am Happy
Volume 2: Open Shut Them, Riding on a Ferry, Be Happy Don’t Worry, Three Little Ducks, Down in the Meadow, Night is Falling
Volume 3 (*previously unreleased): Itsy Bitsy Spider, Today is Monday, Little Boy Blue, Cuckoo Bird, Three Itching Mice, Twinkle Little Star 08:00:352017-02-08 02:22:37New DVD Release & Online Show!
Guess what? I’ve officially released Sukey’s House! Volume 2 for streaming and digital download through
As with Volume 1, Sukey’s House! Volume 2 was filmed at my house with my band Sukey Molloy & Friends, along with favorite ‘Sukey’s Circle’ friends Sunny and Tick Tock. I hope you’ll join us in the warmth of my living room for music, movement activities and sing along fun the whole family can enjoy.
As a special surprise, I’ve included here one of the song/videos for you to see. I thought your children would enjoy seeing Sunny & Tick Tock get ready for their late afternoon nap.
Sukey’s House! Volume 2 includes the six titles: Open Shut Them, Riding on a Ferry, Be Happy Don’t Worry, Three Little Ducks, Down in the Meadow, and Night is Falling. Let me know which ones you like the best! They are available exclusively for streaming and digital download on 15:11:082016-10-14 13:38:02Sukey’s House! Vol. 2 now available!
I’d like to share some ‘sneak peek’ news about my upcoming new video to be released in July. It’s called Sukey’s House! with Sukey Molloy & Friends and was created exclusively for digital download.
Sukey’s House! was filmed in my home along the Hudson River in New York, and I’m delighted that my band, Sukey Molloy & Friends, could be with me. Sunny & Tick Tock joined us too. In the video, I share music, movement activities, and sing along fun in the warmth of my own living room, and I know this will offer great summer viewing for the whole family.
Joining me from my band are: Stephen Benson on acoustic guitar, and Axel Belohoubek on keyboards, and of course myself, singing vocals and playing the auto harp. Sunny and Tick Tock are at my house too, seated and listening throughout, and sometimes even taking a nap.
I thought it would be great fun to invite children, families and friends into my own home via video, and to share a bit of summer fun in the coziness of my living room. I hope you’ll join me once the video is released. Stay tuned for the digital download release date.
Sukey’s House! Volume 1 songs include the titles below and I had fun singing them for you. I hope the music and movement activities, storyboards and puppets give you lots of family play this summer.
I Put My Scarf on My Head
Here We Go Up
Colors of the Rainbow
I Saw a Duck
Old MacDonald
I Am Happy
Stay tuned for the release date in July! 12:45:212016-06-22 17:03:59You’re invited to Sukey’s House!
I’ve had a most amazing time at the Monroe Library this spring and thought you’d enjoy learning a bit about our time together. A picture says a thousand words! Many thanks to Melissa and Joy who took all the great photos, and who hosted the program.
My Circle Time program includes songs, musical instruments, and movement activities for children age birth to 5. In Monroe we created a ‘family style’ series for children birth to age 3. Something for everyone!
I find that singing Hello is always a great way to begin making new friends, and I like to use hand puppets for everyone to sing and wave with while we greet one another.
Look what I found! Getting ready to sing Hello Everyone…
…while creating a circle of friends.
Maraca play is another great circle time activity. Maracas are fun to touch, chew, shake and tap, and great accompaniment for all kinds of songs. Participating in rhythmic motion is great stimulation for the developing brain! We sang Here We Go Up, and changed the lyrics to ‘here we go shake, shake, shake’.
And playing with pails is an all time favorite activity. In our song/play we added fish and fishing poles, and practiced catching and releasing fish in and out of the pail. This is great fun, and good for fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, and creative imagination.
And singing Row Row Row Your Boat is always a wonderful favorite. Rocking motion is great for vestibular stimulation and helps to develop balance. It’s fun to try it going both fast and slow.
First we began rowing…
Then our boat capsized, and upside down we went!
Playing with musical spoons is another activity that’s great for learning fun. There are so many things to do with wooden spoons! Here we’re getting ready to sing If I Had Hands (Spoons). We just changed up the lyrics!
And playing with sunglasses, now that’s fun. Look at me singing These Are My Eyes!
Songs I’ve mentioned in the post include:
Hello Everyone (Circle Songs with Sukey Molloy CD) These Are My Eyes (Circle Songs with Sukey Molloy CD) Row Row Row Your Boat (Circle Songs with Sukey Molloy CD) If I Had Hands (I Like to Sing with Sukey Molloy CD) 22:09:162016-05-10 00:31:33Circle Time in Spring!
In babies and very young children, the muscles in the eyes develop sequentially and are intimately related to the development of the central nervous system. In infancy and early childhood, peripheral vision is the first function to develop naturally, followed by the development of foveal vision.
Foveal refers to up-close, two-dimensional viewing used for activities such as reading and writing. Peripheral and three-dimensional vision refers to what we see beyond the foveal center, reaching to the mid and far boundaries of our vision as a whole. Foveal function allows us to focus in on and track details, while peripheral vision allows us to take in the environment all around us. Each is critically important.
There’s a great book by Carla Hannaford entitled, Smart Moves, published by Great Ocean Publishers. This book looks at how movement nourishes the brain and is essential in the developing years. In Chapter 6, Hannaford describes how the eye muscles strengthen as they move in response to head movement. This happens when the vestibular system is activated. The more the eyes move, the more the muscles of both eyes work together, and the more connections are made to the brain.
Time spent in sedentary positions for very young children can inhibit the natural development of eye muscle strengthening, teaming and tracking. Giving babies and young children lots of opportunities to move and express physically helps to stimulate the vestibular system, and helps the eye muscles to strengthen and grow in concert.
In the short video clip above, I’m speaking at a Movement Grows Learning Workshop about foveal and peripheral vision.
Enjoy! 17:01:592016-02-23 15:00:28Movement Grows Learning! What do Foveal and Peripheral Vision Refer To?
Did you know that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different functions? I’ve learned it’s very important in the developing years to nourish both sides of the brain in order to make sure the whole child is engaged in the learning process.
The ‘left’ hemisphere is primarily responsible for decoding information. It categorizes, labels, makes lists, organizes, computes, penetrates math equations, and problem solves. The ‘right’ hemisphere absorbs information through the feelings, and through the sensation of light, color, sound, movement, touch, shape, scent, and design. True learning allows all our senses and abilities to be engaged when acquiring new skills!
What is this?
To one part of the brain this concept is represented by the symbols: C A T.
To another part, it is represented by something soft and furry that makes the sound M E O W.
Both are true! Children should be encouraged to play with different styles and ‘sides’ of learning in order to discover and develop from an inner, individual motivation. Providing a ‘multi-sensory’ approach to learning stimulates both hemispheres of the brain, and allows learning to go deeper.
I’ve included a short video segment (see above) from a workshop I gave in Poughkeepsie, NY on Movement Grows Learning, along with a short clip from a concert where we’re singing and playing with scarves.
Enjoy! 16:04:552016-01-04 16:04:55Movement Grows Learning! Right/Left Hemispheres of the Brain
Have you ever heard the term ‘vestibular’? I learned about it when studying Infant Development at the School for Body Mind Centering in Amherst, MA.
Vestibular comes from the word vestibule, referring to a gateway or opening between two places. Located in the central part of the inner ear labyrinth, the vestibular system is responsible for coordinating movement with balance.
It sends signals to the neural structures that control eye movements, and to the muscles that keep us upright. It’s also intimately connected with learning to read. The brain uses information from the vestibular system to interpret our body’s position and acceleration in space.
For very young children, stimulation to this system is extremely pleasing! It’s like ‘brain food’. Rocking, turning, swinging, bouncing, tipping, jumping and rolling all stimulate and nourish the brain in the developing years.
I hope you enjoy this short video clip about the vestibular system from a developmental workshop I gave in Poughkeepsie, NY, and, an event at a library in Connecticut.
Click here to download my Tick Tock song (Circle Songs CD, 2005) for free!
Tick Tock
Follow movement indications in italics throughout the song
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘ticking ‘ on the dot. (Stand or sit and rock side to side with arms outstretched)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘ringing ‘ on the dot. (Raise arms in air and wiggle hands)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘chiming ‘ on the dot. (Sound the chiming with arms overhead, opening and closing arms)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘spinning ‘ on the dot. (Turn in place while seated, or stand and turn)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘clapping ‘ on the dot. (Clap in rhythm)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘hopping ‘ on the dot. (Stand and hop in place to rhythm, or bounce on knees)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘jumping ‘ on the dot. (Jump in place to rhythm, or bounce on knees)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘sleeping ‘ on the dot. (Lay down and pretend to sleep, shhh…) 18:39:522015-12-02 19:33:26Movement Grows Learning! with Tick Tock
Did you know that ‘Developmental’ refers to a gradual unfolding process? It indicates a series of progressive stages passing through milestones that lead to growth and further development. My mentor, Dr. Garland O’Quinn, Jr. refers to this unfolding as,
“…An orderly process that develops step by step by step… similar to the analogy of writing music. The basic element is the note, notes are put together to form chords, and chords are written in sequence to develop a musical score.” Teaching Developmental Gymnastics, Skills to Take Through Life, University of Texas Press
It’s the same with learning how to play ball. There are definite steps along the way. First the child learns how to hold the ball, then to pat it, roll it, bounce it, toss it, pass it to a parent, and eventually to toss it through a hoop! Each new milestone leads to the next stage of learning and creates an invitation for more experimentation.
I hope you find this video clip interesting. It’s from a developmental movement workshop I gave in NJ, and a clip from a class on ball-play. We’re exploring bringing ‘skill based learning’ in a fun and developmentally appropriate way.
To order my Circle Songs CD and/or Activity Songbook click here!
Pat the Ball Circle Songs! CD 2005
Pat, pat, pat the ball,
Pat, pat, pat the ball,
Pat, pat, pat the ball,
Pat the ball to day.
Spin, spin, spin the ball…
Roll, roll, roll on the ball…
Sit, sit, and bounce on the ball…
Toss, toss, toss the ball…
Kick, kick, kick the ball… 21:20:382015-11-10 21:20:38Movement Grows Learning! with Pat the Ball
My Interview on Good Stuff Kids
/in Uncategorized /by PMSmasterListen to my interview with Mike Mason on Good Stuff Kids.
Thank you Mike!
Sukey Molloy is here for episode #180! We talked a lot about child development, particularly brain development, and her brand new record ‘Five Little Oysters.” It was fascinating to hear how Sukey uses different artistic mediums and her knowledge on other subjects to enhance her music. Here’s a teaser: Felt and Sound Effects…
“Sukey Molloy puts a big smile on traditional favorites and mixes them with original songs, poetry, and a story for the release of her fifth album, Five Little Oysters! Listeners are invited into a personal, intimate world of familiar old time favorites as Molloy changes up the lyrics with lots of special effects, creative rhythmic nuances, and colorful percussive textures, and highlights educational, learning fun with counting, farm animals, and cozy family listening for children of all ages!
Listen here.
Sukey Talks To about her new CD “Five Little Oysters!
/in Uncategorized /by brianpearlHi! I’m delighted to announce the upcoming Oct. 5th release of my brand new album, Five Little Oysters! Co-produced with my long time friend and Grammy winning recording engineer Larry Alexander. Five Little Oysters features lots of old time traditional favorites along with original new tunes and story. Here are some excerpts from an interview I gave with Megan Meehan at Kidskintha. Enjoy! You can click on the link HERE to see the full interview.
Megan Meehan: What is unique and most exciting about your forthcoming album?
Sukey Molloy: Larry Alexander and I were absolutely thrilled to uncover and bring new life to so many traditional songs, and to arrange them with so many layers of special effects, instrumentation, percussion, and creative nuance. We always keep the children in mind, and never hold back when looking for that perfect sound to enter directly into a child’s delicate world. Larry and I spent hours looking for that ‘just right’ train sound for “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.”
We also had great fun with some of my new songs, bringing the melodies and lyrics and sounds alive with exceptional musicians who have been on all my albums. It is such a treat and honor to have so many extraordinary musicians to call upon…
MM: What inspires your songs and do you typically write lyrics or melodies first?
SM: What inspires my songs is being together with families and children, and learning what brings them into relation with each other, and the activities we engage in together, whether on stage or in a library or at a school.
To support learning and self-expression, I love to change up lyrics to traditional songs. It’s fascinating how a song will last for hundreds of years. What is it about that song that keeps calling us back? I choose a song, like “It’s Raining It’s Pouring” (“A Tisket a Tasket”) and develop it so the children can participate while singing. I think carefully how each new verse relates developmentally to the age and interest of the child, and can serve learning, creativity, fun, and a sense of self…
MM: Is there anything else that you would like to mention?
SM: Celebrity Parents Magazine wrote: “Sukey is deniably today’s Mister Rogers.”
This is the highest compliment I could receive. In Mister Rogers’ acceptance speech for an award from PBS, he said that the six feet of space between the television screen, and the child viewing, is for him, ‘sacred’ – and this has remained the guiding principle in all my work.
I have a little story to leave you with. My husband and I were at Colonial Williamsburg years back with our two sons, Jonathan, a baby, and James, 5.
We were never a big television family, but James watched Mister Rogers faithfully and loved him. We were strolling along the village walkways, with James pretending to be a soldier, and we spotted a large carriage, drawn by four large horses. There was a camera crew both in front and behind, and when I pointed, James suddenly called out, ‘Mister Rogers!’ and started running full speed toward the scene. We ran behind him, and sure enough, there was Mister Rogers, sitting up in the front of the carriage, being filmed! When Mister Rogers saw this little five-year-old boy running toward the carriage, he stopped the crew, halted the horses, and opened his arms wide. James ran up the three carriage steps and right onto Mister Rogers’ lap. My husband and I watched as Mister Rogers asked him his name, spoke with him about ‘things’, and then after a bit, in the most natural and respectful way, told James it was time for him to continue on. They had a handshake, or a hug, I can’t remember which, then waved goodbye, and off Mister Rogers went, down the road in his horse drawn carriage, out of sight.
It was deeply affirming to find that Mister Rogers was truly the same humble man we knew on screen, and to witness him give his love to our child.
New DVD Release & Online Show!
/in Uncategorized /by brianpearlHi Everyone!
I have great news! My brand new DVD, Sukey’s House! with Sukey Molloy & Friends, will be released on Feb. 17th, featuring all 18 of the songs filmed in my living room during the Sukey’s House series. The DVD includes Volumes 1&2 (released last summer as digital downloads) along with my all-new Volume 3. Sukey’s House highlights lively participation with age-appropriate lyrics about numbers, colors and shapes, themes from the natural world, emotions such as friendship and happiness, and learning the days of the week. Filming Sukey’s House! with my band, was really great fun, and I can’t wait for you to order it!
Click Here to Preorder the DVD
Here’s sneak peek of one of the new shows from Volume 3
Live Online Show!
Saturday, Feb 18th at 11am Eastern
Join me for a special live online show to celebrate my brand new DVD release! The DVD celebration will come directly from my living room to yours! Please join me for this special Sukey’s House! DVD Release Celebration and invite your family and friends!
CLICK HERE to visit Concert Window to get more information about the show. Admission is FREE! This is a special one-time online event so please bring the whole family, and the neighbors too! We’ll sing songs from the DVD, and share some fun indoor family activities together. CLICK HERE to visit my Concert Window page, and don’t miss the show!
My new Sukey’s House! DVD (Vols. 1, 2 & 3) includes the following 18 songs. Remember, you can pre-order today!
Volume 1: Put My Scarf on My Head, Here We Go Up, Colors of the Rainbow, I Saw a Duck Three, Old MacDonald, I Am Happy
Volume 2: Open Shut Them, Riding on a Ferry, Be Happy Don’t Worry, Three Little Ducks, Down in the Meadow, Night is Falling
Volume 3 (*previously unreleased): Itsy Bitsy Spider, Today is Monday, Little Boy Blue, Cuckoo Bird, Three Itching Mice, Twinkle Little Star
Sukey’s House! Vol. 2 now available!
/in Uncategorized /by brianpearlAs with Volume 1, Sukey’s House! Volume 2 was filmed at my house with my band Sukey Molloy & Friends, along with favorite ‘Sukey’s Circle’ friends Sunny and Tick Tock. I hope you’ll join us in the warmth of my living room for music, movement activities and sing along fun the whole family can enjoy.
As a special surprise, I’ve included here one of the song/videos for you to see. I thought your children would enjoy seeing Sunny & Tick Tock get ready for their late afternoon nap.
Sukey’s House! Volume 2 includes the six titles: Open Shut Them, Riding on a Ferry, Be Happy Don’t Worry, Three Little Ducks, Down in the Meadow, and Night is Falling. Let me know which ones you like the best! They are available exclusively for streaming and digital download on
You’re invited to Sukey’s House!
/in Uncategorized /by brianpearlSukey’s House! was filmed in my home along the Hudson River in New York, and I’m delighted that my band, Sukey Molloy & Friends, could be with me. Sunny & Tick Tock joined us too. In the video, I share music, movement activities, and sing along fun in the warmth of my own living room, and I know this will offer great summer viewing for the whole family.
Joining me from my band are: Stephen Benson on acoustic guitar, and Axel Belohoubek on keyboards, and of course myself, singing vocals and playing the auto harp. Sunny and Tick Tock are at my house too, seated and listening throughout, and sometimes even taking a nap.
I thought it would be great fun to invite children, families and friends into my own home via video, and to share a bit of summer fun in the coziness of my living room. I hope you’ll join me once the video is released. Stay tuned for the digital download release date.
Sukey’s House! Volume 1 songs include the titles below and I had fun singing them for you. I hope the music and movement activities, storyboards and puppets give you lots of family play this summer.
Stay tuned for the release date in July!
Circle Time in Spring!
/in Uncategorized /by brianpearlHi Everyone!
I’ve had a most amazing time at the Monroe Library this spring and thought you’d enjoy learning a bit about our time together. A picture says a thousand words! Many thanks to Melissa and Joy who took all the great photos, and who hosted the program.
My Circle Time program includes songs, musical instruments, and movement activities for children age birth to 5. In Monroe we created a ‘family style’ series for children birth to age 3. Something for everyone!
I find that singing Hello is always a great way to begin making new friends, and I like to use hand puppets for everyone to sing and wave with while we greet one another.
Look what I found! Getting ready to sing Hello Everyone…
…while creating a circle of friends.
Maraca play is another great circle time activity. Maracas are fun to touch, chew, shake and tap, and great accompaniment for all kinds of songs. Participating in rhythmic motion is great stimulation for the developing brain! We sang Here We Go Up, and changed the lyrics to ‘here we go shake, shake, shake’.
And playing with pails is an all time favorite activity. In our song/play we added fish and fishing poles, and practiced catching and releasing fish in and out of the pail. This is great fun, and good for fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, and creative imagination.
And singing Row Row Row Your Boat is always a wonderful favorite. Rocking motion is great for vestibular stimulation and helps to develop balance. It’s fun to try it going both fast and slow.
First we began rowing…
Then our boat capsized, and upside down we went!
Playing with musical spoons is another activity that’s great for learning fun. There are so many things to do with wooden spoons! Here we’re getting ready to sing If I Had Hands (Spoons). We just changed up the lyrics!
And playing with sunglasses, now that’s fun. Look at me singing These Are My Eyes!
Songs I’ve mentioned in the post include:
Hello Everyone (Circle Songs with Sukey Molloy CD)
These Are My Eyes (Circle Songs with Sukey Molloy CD)
Row Row Row Your Boat (Circle Songs with Sukey Molloy CD)
If I Had Hands (I Like to Sing with Sukey Molloy CD)
You can buy my CDs HERE.
See you soon!
Sukey Molloy
Movement Grows Learning! What do Foveal and Peripheral Vision Refer To?
/in Blog /by brianpearlIn babies and very young children, the muscles in the eyes develop sequentially and are intimately related to the development of the central nervous system. In infancy and early childhood, peripheral vision is the first function to develop naturally, followed by the development of foveal vision.
Foveal refers to up-close, two-dimensional viewing used for activities such as reading and writing. Peripheral and three-dimensional vision refers to what we see beyond the foveal center, reaching to the mid and far boundaries of our vision as a whole. Foveal function allows us to focus in on and track details, while peripheral vision allows us to take in the environment all around us. Each is critically important.
There’s a great book by Carla Hannaford entitled, Smart Moves, published by Great Ocean Publishers. This book looks at how movement nourishes the brain and is essential in the developing years. In Chapter 6, Hannaford describes how the eye muscles strengthen as they move in response to head movement. This happens when the vestibular system is activated. The more the eyes move, the more the muscles of both eyes work together, and the more connections are made to the brain.
Time spent in sedentary positions for very young children can inhibit the natural development of eye muscle strengthening, teaming and tracking. Giving babies and young children lots of opportunities to move and express physically helps to stimulate the vestibular system, and helps the eye muscles to strengthen and grow in concert.
In the short video clip above, I’m speaking at a Movement Grows Learning Workshop about foveal and peripheral vision.
Movement Grows Learning! Right/Left Hemispheres of the Brain
/in Blog /by brianpearlDid you know that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different functions? I’ve learned it’s very important in the developing years to nourish both sides of the brain in order to make sure the whole child is engaged in the learning process.
The ‘left’ hemisphere is primarily responsible for decoding information. It categorizes, labels, makes lists, organizes, computes, penetrates math equations, and problem solves. The ‘right’ hemisphere absorbs information through the feelings, and through the sensation of light, color, sound, movement, touch, shape, scent, and design. True learning allows all our senses and abilities to be engaged when acquiring new skills!
What is this?

To one part of the brain this concept is represented by the symbols: C A T.
To another part, it is represented by something soft and furry that makes the sound M E O W.
Both are true! Children should be encouraged to play with different styles and ‘sides’ of learning in order to discover and develop from an inner, individual motivation. Providing a ‘multi-sensory’ approach to learning stimulates both hemispheres of the brain, and allows learning to go deeper.
I’ve included a short video segment (see above) from a workshop I gave in Poughkeepsie, NY on Movement Grows Learning, along with a short clip from a concert where we’re singing and playing with scarves.
Movement Grows Learning! with Tick Tock
/in Blog /by brianpearlHave you ever heard the term ‘vestibular’? I learned about it when studying Infant Development at the School for Body Mind Centering in Amherst, MA.
Vestibular comes from the word vestibule, referring to a gateway or opening between two places. Located in the central part of the inner ear labyrinth, the vestibular system is responsible for coordinating movement with balance.
For very young children, stimulation to this system is extremely pleasing! It’s like ‘brain food’. Rocking, turning, swinging, bouncing, tipping, jumping and rolling all stimulate and nourish the brain in the developing years.
I hope you enjoy this short video clip about the vestibular system from a developmental workshop I gave in Poughkeepsie, NY, and, an event at a library in Connecticut.
Click here to download my Tick Tock song (Circle Songs CD, 2005) for free!
Tick Tock
Follow movement indications in italics throughout the song
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘ticking ‘ on the dot.
(Stand or sit and rock side to side with arms outstretched)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘ringing ‘ on the dot.
(Raise arms in air and wiggle hands)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘chiming ‘ on the dot.
(Sound the chiming with arms overhead, opening and closing arms)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘spinning ‘ on the dot.
(Turn in place while seated, or stand and turn)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘clapping ‘ on the dot.
(Clap in rhythm)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘hopping ‘ on the dot.
(Stand and hop in place to rhythm, or bounce on knees)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘jumping ‘ on the dot.
(Jump in place to rhythm, or bounce on knees)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘sleeping ‘ on the dot.
(Lay down and pretend to sleep, shhh…)
Movement Grows Learning! with Pat the Ball
/in Uncategorized /by brianpearlDid you know that ‘Developmental’ refers to a gradual unfolding process? It indicates a series of progressive stages passing through milestones that lead to growth and further development. My mentor, Dr. Garland O’Quinn, Jr. refers to this unfolding as,
“…An orderly process that develops step by step by step… similar to the analogy of writing music. The basic element is the note, notes are put together to form chords, and chords are written in sequence to develop a musical score.”
Teaching Developmental Gymnastics, Skills to Take Through Life, University of Texas Press
It’s the same with learning how to play ball. There are definite steps along the way. First the child learns how to hold the ball, then to pat it, roll it, bounce it, toss it, pass it to a parent, and eventually to toss it through a hoop! Each new milestone leads to the next stage of learning and creates an invitation for more experimentation.
I hope you find this video clip interesting. It’s from a developmental movement workshop I gave in NJ, and a clip from a class on ball-play. We’re exploring bringing ‘skill based learning’ in a fun and developmentally appropriate way.
Download Pat the Ball (Circle Songs, 2005) for free by clicking on this link.
To order my Circle Songs CD and/or Activity Songbook click here!
Pat the Ball
Circle Songs! CD 2005
Pat, pat, pat the ball,
Pat, pat, pat the ball,
Pat, pat, pat the ball,
Pat the ball to day.
Spin, spin, spin the ball…
Roll, roll, roll on the ball…
Sit, sit, and bounce on the ball…
Toss, toss, toss the ball…
Kick, kick, kick the ball…