Five Little Ducks, included on my ‘I Like to Sing’ CD, is one of my favorite songs for play with movement, storytelling and felt. It’s great for working with adding and subtracting, and playing with hide and seek when the ducks disappear behind the hill on each verse.
You can create your very own ‘Five Little Ducks’ felt storyboard to use at home or in the classroom while you sing along with the song!
You’ll need to purchase a 9×12 inch adhesive foam board(s), adhere a 9×12 inch background color felt on the board, and cut the felt ducks and other shapes out of additional colorful pieces of felt. You can sing the song while you move the felt pieces on and off the board along with the lyrics.
When you’ve finished with the story/play and boards, simply store the small pieces in zip lock bags, and place the boards in a safe place for next time! 20:02:402019-07-24 20:02:40Learn & Play! with Five Little Ducks Felt Board & Song
The Story of Little Flame in the Arctic, included on my latest Five Little Oysters CD release, is the story of a little flame who lives far to the north and shines her light in the nighttime sky for all who need it to see.
You can create your very own Story of Little Flame felt storyboard to use at home or in the classroom while you listen to and recreate the story. You’ll need to purchase a 9×12 inch adhesive foam board(s), adhere a 9×12 inch background color felt on the board, and cut the felt flame, mountain, stars and animals out of additional colorful pieces of felt. You can listen to and tell the story while you move the felt pieces on and off the board in any way you wish.
When you’ve finished with the story and boards, simply store the small pieces in zip lock bags, and place the boards in a safe place for next time!
Here’s a link to order my ‘The Story of Little Flame in the Arctic’ song!
And here’s a link to order my ‘The Story of Little Flame in the Arctic’ audio picture book! 14:37:052019-06-19 14:37:05Learn & Play! with The Story of Little Flame in the Arctic Felt Board, Book & Song
The Ants Go Marching song included on my latest Five Little Oysters CD release is one of my favorite traditional melodies. This song features counting from one to five, while marching, storytelling, and keeping time with the music.
You can create your very own felt storyboard to use at home or in the classroom while you sing and march with the song. Purchase a 9×12 inch adhesive foam board(s), adhere a 9×12 inch background color felt on the board, and then cut the felt ants and other shapes from the story/song out of additional colorful pieces of felt. You can sing, count, and add the ants on and off the board in any way you wish as you sing along.
When you’re finished with the song/play and boards, simply store the small pieces in zip lock bags, and place the boards in a safe place for next time!
Here’s a link to order my ‘The Ants Go Marching’ song!
And here’s a link to order my ‘The Ants Go Marching’ audio picture book! 15:24:432019-05-15 15:24:43Learn & Play! with The Ants Go Marching Felt Board, Book & Song
Five Little Oysters, the title song on my latest CD release, features one of my favorite songs for stimulating learning play with children ages 2-5. The song features counting/ adding and subtracting, rhythmic listening, rolling movement for hands and whole body, and active storytelling.
While you sing, you can create your very own felt storyboard to use at home or in the classroom. Purchase a 9×12 inch adhesive foam board(s), adhere a 9×12 inch background color felt on each board, and then cut felt oysters, sand and waves from colorful pieces of felt. You can sing, count, add and subtract the oysters, put the oysters on and off the board, and manipulate the felt play in any way you wish!
When you’re finished with the song/play and boards, simply store the small pieces in zip lock bags, and place the boards in a safe place for next time!
And here’s a link to order my Five Little Oysters audio picture book! 12:57:392019-04-19 12:59:18Learn & Play! with Five Little Oysters Felt Board, Book & Song 13:03:022019-03-06 13:05:40My Guest Blog Post at Rockmommy!
In babies and very young children, the muscles in the eyes develop sequentially and are intimately related to the development of the central nervous system. In infancy and early childhood, peripheral vision is the first function to develop naturally, followed by the development of foveal vision.
Foveal refers to up-close, two-dimensional viewing used for activities such as reading and writing. Peripheral and three-dimensional vision refers to what we see beyond the foveal center, reaching to the mid and far boundaries of our vision as a whole. Foveal function allows us to focus in on and track details, while peripheral vision allows us to take in the environment all around us. Each is critically important.
There’s a great book by Carla Hannaford entitled, Smart Moves, published by Great Ocean Publishers. This book looks at how movement nourishes the brain and is essential in the developing years. In Chapter 6, Hannaford describes how the eye muscles strengthen as they move in response to head movement. This happens when the vestibular system is activated. The more the eyes move, the more the muscles of both eyes work together, and the more connections are made to the brain.
Time spent in sedentary positions for very young children can inhibit the natural development of eye muscle strengthening, teaming and tracking. Giving babies and young children lots of opportunities to move and express physically helps to stimulate the vestibular system, and helps the eye muscles to strengthen and grow in concert.
In the short video clip above, I’m speaking at a Movement Grows Learning Workshop about foveal and peripheral vision.
Enjoy! 17:01:592016-02-23 15:00:28Movement Grows Learning! What do Foveal and Peripheral Vision Refer To?
Did you know that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different functions? I’ve learned it’s very important in the developing years to nourish both sides of the brain in order to make sure the whole child is engaged in the learning process.
The ‘left’ hemisphere is primarily responsible for decoding information. It categorizes, labels, makes lists, organizes, computes, penetrates math equations, and problem solves. The ‘right’ hemisphere absorbs information through the feelings, and through the sensation of light, color, sound, movement, touch, shape, scent, and design. True learning allows all our senses and abilities to be engaged when acquiring new skills!
What is this?
To one part of the brain this concept is represented by the symbols: C A T.
To another part, it is represented by something soft and furry that makes the sound M E O W.
Both are true! Children should be encouraged to play with different styles and ‘sides’ of learning in order to discover and develop from an inner, individual motivation. Providing a ‘multi-sensory’ approach to learning stimulates both hemispheres of the brain, and allows learning to go deeper.
I’ve included a short video segment (see above) from a workshop I gave in Poughkeepsie, NY on Movement Grows Learning, along with a short clip from a concert where we’re singing and playing with scarves.
Enjoy! 16:04:552016-01-04 16:04:55Movement Grows Learning! Right/Left Hemispheres of the Brain
Have you ever heard the term ‘vestibular’? I learned about it when studying Infant Development at the School for Body Mind Centering in Amherst, MA.
Vestibular comes from the word vestibule, referring to a gateway or opening between two places. Located in the central part of the inner ear labyrinth, the vestibular system is responsible for coordinating movement with balance.
It sends signals to the neural structures that control eye movements, and to the muscles that keep us upright. It’s also intimately connected with learning to read. The brain uses information from the vestibular system to interpret our body’s position and acceleration in space.
For very young children, stimulation to this system is extremely pleasing! It’s like ‘brain food’. Rocking, turning, swinging, bouncing, tipping, jumping and rolling all stimulate and nourish the brain in the developing years.
I hope you enjoy this short video clip about the vestibular system from a developmental workshop I gave in Poughkeepsie, NY, and, an event at a library in Connecticut.
Click here to download my Tick Tock song (Circle Songs CD, 2005) for free!
Tick Tock
Follow movement indications in italics throughout the song
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘ticking ‘ on the dot. (Stand or sit and rock side to side with arms outstretched)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘ringing ‘ on the dot. (Raise arms in air and wiggle hands)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘chiming ‘ on the dot. (Sound the chiming with arms overhead, opening and closing arms)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘spinning ‘ on the dot. (Turn in place while seated, or stand and turn)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘clapping ‘ on the dot. (Clap in rhythm)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘hopping ‘ on the dot. (Stand and hop in place to rhythm, or bounce on knees)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘jumping ‘ on the dot. (Jump in place to rhythm, or bounce on knees)
Tick tock, tick tock, I have a little clock,
Tick tock, tick tock, it’s ‘sleeping ‘ on the dot. (Lay down and pretend to sleep, shhh…) 18:39:522015-12-02 19:33:26Movement Grows Learning! with Tick Tock
When I was a little girl, and sometimes felt anxious, my mother would say, “Sukey, be happy, don’t worry. There’s nothing to worry about.” It would give me a different perspective in the moment, and offer a new attitude. I wrote ‘Be Happy Don’t Worry’ to help remember my mother’s advice. I also wanted to share her enthusiastic attitude with children and families everywhere.
When we give children the opportunity to discover positive attitudes through play and learning, while acquiring fine and gross motor skills through playful means, we provide them with skills to take through life. Movement, song, and play stimulate not only learning in the developing years, but give children an important feeling of, ‘I can!’ to share with others.
When you sing, Be Happy Don’t Worry, invite children to try the facial movements along with you as you sing– like this:
…Make a happy face while nodding your head ‘yes’ for “Be happy”, a worried face while nodding ‘no’ for “Don’t worry”, and wagging your pointer finger side to side for “There’s nothing to worry about”.
I’m delighted to share this very first felt animation that I created for Sukey’s Circle! and which is available on DVD and in audio picture book. I first wrote the song for mothers to sing with their babies during infant massage sessions. And the song later evolved into a felt art activity to share with toddlers and preschoolers while singing and moving.
As I watched the first felt images come to life in the animation studio, I was truly touched. The gentleness and sweetness in babies and children when they’re first discovering the mystery of being in a body was, for me, important to convey through the music and colorful images.
I hope you enjoy the video, and that you’ll download the new coloring page to go with it! Just click on the image below. And I hope you’ll consider downloading These Are My Eyes from Itunes (from Circle Songs with Sukey Molloy), and the longer version on the Sukey’s Circle! DVD (Vol. 1) on Amazon or at:
These Are My Eyes Copyright Sukey Molloy 2005
These are my eyes,
This is my nose,
This is my mouth,
Round my ears it goes.
These are my arms and fingers,
These are my legs and toes,
This is my tummy,
And round and round it goes! 01:10:202015-08-19 13:54:02These Are My Eyes