Circle Time Kits assist teachers with essential tools for organizing and enriching circle time fun.

Leaders learn new songs and activities, and share circle time fun in an atmosphere of interactive, joyful play. Assemble individual kits to fit your particular program needs and budget. Kits are made to order. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Contact or 845-353-2268 if you need assistance with your order.

Circle Time Kit
Hello puppet, goodbye puppet, two CD’s with song books 

Circle Time Kit Deluxe
Hello puppet, goodbye puppet, two CDs with songbooks, 4 audio picture books

Circle Time Kit Super Deluxe
Hello puppet, Goodbye puppet, two CDs with songbooks, 4 audio picture books, Sunny puppet, Tick Tock puppet

Circle Time Kit Super Deluxe with DVDs
Hello puppet, goodbye puppet, two CDs with songbooks, 4 audio picture books, Sunny puppet, Tick Tock puppet, Sukey’s Circle! DVD Volume 1 and Sukey’s Circle! DVD Volume 2.

Circle Time Kit with DVD Add On:
($30)Add Sukey’s Circle! DVD volume 1 and Sukey’s Circle! Volume 2 to any kit

Circle Time Kit Super Deluxe with 2 DVDs and Sukey Molloy Master Class:
($350)Purchase Circle Time Kit Super Deluxe with DVDs and have Sukey Molloy visit your location for a Master class.

Add Sukey Molloy Master class to any kit
($125)Purchase any kit and have Sukey visit your location to give a master class.

hello puppet

hello puppet

goodbye puppet

goodbye puppet

tick tock puppet

tick tock puppet

sunny puppet

sunny puppet

cds with songbooks

cds with songbooks

audio picturebooks

audio picturebooks

sukeys circle! dvds

sukeys circle! dvds