Foster Hill Farm

I’d like to introduce you to:

Foster Hill Farm
21 Stafford Street
Stafford Springs, CT 06076



The miniature donkey breeding program at Foster Hill Farm has been in place since 2009.  Foster Hill Farm has one of the largest breeding programs for miniature donkeys in the Northeast.  Roughly 40 donkeys are kept at the farm and each year about 10 foals are born. Visitors are able to walk through the barns and see the donkeys. In addition to miniature donkeys, Foster Hill Farm has multiple spectacular greenhouses and are known for their tomatoes, chili peppers and potted plants. It is an absolutely beautiful farm and well worth the visit!

On my first visit to Foster Hill Farm, I spent several hours meeting the mama donkeys and their foals. Here’s a foal fast asleep while two mama donkeys watch over her to make sure she’s alright.

And here’s another baby donkey nursing.

And here I am with my PlayMove&Sing Inc. friend Ann on visitors ‘day for a tour. We’re standing with the donkey who I groomed, harnessed, and took for a walk.

I also learned how to clean the donkey’s hooves! It wasn’t easy to lift up her leg but I managed.! And I later learned that she was pregnant!

And this is a most magnificent donkey called a mammoth donkey. Her name is Shawnee Moon.

“Moon has the tough job of watching over all the foals and mini donkeys and takes this very seriously:-) She loves the foals and keeps an eye out for any possible threats to them.  She is truly a gentle giant…the sweetest most loving donkey.  She is so big yet so careful to be gentle with all who interact with her.  We couldn’t love her more.”

And finally, I took this picture right before saying goodbye to Foster Hill Farm. This is a very pregnant donkey! One could only hope that she would go into labor very soon and feel very relieved when the foal had been born. Being a breeding donkey is a lot of work! These animals are remarkable. Patient, sensitive, gentle, and make wonderful companions.