Be Happy Don’t Worry!
When I was a little girl, and sometimes felt anxious, my mother would say, “Sukey, be happy, don’t worry. There’s nothing to worry about.” It would give me a different perspective in the moment, and offer a new attitude. I wrote ‘Be Happy Don’t Worry’ to help remember my mother’s advice. I also wanted to share her enthusiastic attitude with children and families everywhere.
When we give children the opportunity to discover positive attitudes through play and learning, while acquiring fine and gross motor skills through playful means, we provide them with skills to take through life. Movement, song, and play stimulate not only learning in the developing years, but give children an important feeling of, ‘I can!’ to share with others.
When you sing, Be Happy Don’t Worry, invite children to try the facial movements along with you as you sing– like this:
…Make a happy face while nodding your head ‘yes’ for “Be happy”, a worried face while nodding ‘no’ for “Don’t worry”, and wagging your pointer finger side to side for “There’s nothing to worry about”.
Try it. It’s fun!
Click here for free download Be Happy Don’t Worry from the CD I Am Happy (2011)
The lyrics:
Be happy, don’t worry, there’s nothing to worry about.
Don’t worry be happy, there’s nothing to worry about.
The sun is shining the sky is blue,
The treetops are smiling and so can you.
Be happy, don’t worry, there’s nothing to worry about.
The river is quiet the fish are asleep,
And on their faces a smile they keep!
Be happy, don’t worry, there’s nothing to worry about!